AWS Lambda Finite State Machines

A Python framework for developing finite state machine-based workflows on AWS Lambda.

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« Idempotency Running Locally »

YAML Format

machines:                                              # heading for multiple machines

- name: machine_name                                   # identifiable name for the machine

  states:                                              # heading for multiple states

  - name: state1                                       # name of the state
    entry_action: module.EntryActionClass              # class name of the action code to execute on entry
    do_action: module.DoActionClass                    # class name of the action code to execute on arrival
    exit_action: module.ExitActionClass                # class name of the action code to execute on exit
    initial: true                                      # true for the initial state of the machine
    transitions:                                       # heading for multiple transitions
    - target: state2                                   # destination/target state for the transition
      action: module.TransitionActionClass             # class name of the action code to execute on transition
      event: event1                                    # event that trigger the transition
    - target: final
      event: done

  - name: state2
    entry_action: module.AnotherEntryActionClass
    do_action: module.AnotherDoActionClass
    exit_action: module.AnotherExitActionClass
    - target: state1
      action: module.AnotherTransitionActionClass
      event: event1
    - target: final
      event: done

  - name: final
    do_action: module.YetAnotherDoActionClass
    final: true                                        # true for the final/terminal state(s) of the machine      


« Idempotency Running Locally »