
Maturity: stable

Since 1.0.0

View the Project on GitHub workiva/over_react

When a VDom element is selected by the user, the assist extracts the selection into the return value of render within a new OverReact stateful component declaration:


ReactElement renderTheFoo() {
  return Dom.div()(
    'oh hai',
    Dom.em()(' wow this is a lot we should extract it into a component!'),


ReactElement renderTheFoo() {
  return Foo()();

UiFactory<FooProps> Foo = _$Foo; // ignore: undefined_identifier

mixin FooProps on UiProps {}

mixin FooState on UiState {}

class FooComponent extends UiStatefulComponent2<FooProps, FooState> {
  get defaultProps => (newProps());
  get initialState => (newState());

  render() {
    return Dom.div()(
      'oh hai',
      Dom.em()(' wow this is a lot we should extract it into a component!'),