Severity: AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO
Maturity: stable
Since 1.0.0
PREFER to place documentation comments on the UiFactory
since that is what consumers use to build / render
in their application.
If the documentation comment that contains details such as usage instructions, documentation links, etc. is placed
on the UiComponent2
instance, the consumer will not be able to easily find it when consuming it.
/// Use a `FooBar` to render a `Bar` wrapped with a `Foo` so that it brings more fooness to the bar.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// FooBar()('Bar with more foo!')
/// ```
UiFactory<FooBarProps> FooBar = _$FooBar; // ignore: undefined_identifier
mixin FooBarPropsMixin on UiProps, FooProps {
Map barProps;
class FooBarProps = UiProps with FooProps, FooBarPropsMixin;
class FooBarComponent extends UiComponent2<FooBarProps> {
get consumedProps => propsMeta.forMixins({
render() {
return (Foo()..modifyProps(addUnconsumedProps))(
UiFactory<FooBarProps> FooBar = _$FooBar; // ignore: undefined_identifier
mixin FooBarPropsMixin on UiProps, FooProps {
Map barProps;
class FooBarProps = UiProps with FooProps, FooBarPropsMixin;
/// Use a `FooBar` to render a `Bar` wrapped with a `Foo` so that it brings more fooness to the bar.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// FooBar()('Bar with more foo!')
/// ```
class FooBarComponent extends UiComponent2<FooBarProps> {
get consumedProps => propsMeta.forMixins({
render() {
return (Foo()..modifyProps(addUnconsumedProps))(