A component that renders a Bootstrap Tag element using OverReact’s statically-typed React prop API.
Tags scale to match the size of the immediate parent element by using relative font sizing
and em
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import '../../demo_components.dart';
ReactElement tagBasicDemo() => Fragment()(
Dom.h1()('Example heading ', Tag()('New')),
Dom.h2()('Example heading ', Tag()('New')),
Dom.h3()('Example heading ', Tag()('New')),
Dom.h4()('Example heading ', Tag()('New')),
Dom.h5()('Example heading ', Tag()('New')),
Dom.h6()('Example heading ', Tag()('New'))
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
part 'tag.over_react.g.dart';
UiFactory<TagProps> Tag = _$Tag;
mixin TagProps on UiProps {
/// The skin / "context" for the [Tag].
/// See: <https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/tag/#contextual-variations>.
/// Default: [TagSkin.DEFAULT]
TagSkin skin;
/// Whether to render the [Tag] with rounded corners that make it look
/// more like a "pill" (a.k.a Bootstrap v3 "badge")
/// See: <https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/tag/#pill-tags>.
/// Default: false
bool isPill;
class TagComponent extends UiComponent2<TagProps> {
get defaultProps => (newProps()
..skin = TagSkin.DEFAULT
..isPill = false
render() {
var classes = forwardingClassNameBuilder()
..add('tag-pill', props.isPill)
return (Dom.span()
..className = classes.toClassName()
class TagSkin extends ClassNameConstant {
const TagSkin._(String name, String className) : super(name, className);
/// [className] value: 'tag-default'
static const TagSkin DEFAULT =
TagSkin._('DEFAULT', 'tag-default');
/// [className] value: 'tag-primary'
static const TagSkin PRIMARY =
TagSkin._('PRIMARY', 'tag-primary');
/// [className] value: 'tag-danger'
static const TagSkin DANGER =
TagSkin._('DANGER', 'tag-danger');
/// [className] value: 'tag-success'
static const TagSkin SUCCESS =
TagSkin._('SUCCESS', 'tag-success');
/// [className] value: 'tag-warning'
static const TagSkin WARNING =
TagSkin._('WARNING', 'tag-warning');
/// [className] value: 'tag-info'
static const TagSkin INFO =
TagSkin._('INFO', 'tag-info');
Set props.skin
to style a Tag
using contextual colors.
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import '../../demo_components.dart';
ReactElement tagContextualDemo() => Dom.div()(
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.DEFAULT)('Default'),
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.PRIMARY)('Primary'),
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.SUCCESS)('Success'),
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.INFO)('Info'),
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.WARNING)('Warning'),
(Tag()..skin = TagSkin.DANGER)('Danger')
Set props.isPill
to make tags more rounded. Useful if you miss the badges from Bootstrap v3.
import 'package:over_react/over_react.dart';
import '../../demo_components.dart';
ReactElement tagPillsDemo() => Dom.div()(
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.DEFAULT
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.PRIMARY
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.SUCCESS
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.INFO
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.WARNING
..isPill = true
..skin = TagSkin.DANGER