findByAltText<E extends Element> function Null safety Async ByAltText Queries

Future<E> findByAltText<E extends Element>(
  1. Node container,
  2. dynamic text,
  3. {bool exact = true,
  4. NormalizerFn normalizer(
    1. [NormalizerOptions?]
  5. Duration? timeout,
  6. Duration interval = defaultAsyncCallbackCheckInterval,
  7. QueryTimeoutFn? onTimeout,
  8. MutationObserverOptions mutationObserverOptions = defaultMutationObserverOptions}

Returns a future with a single ImageElement, InputElement or AreaElement value with the given text as the value of the alt attribute, defaulting to an exact match after waiting 1000ms (or the specified timeout duration).

If there is a specific condition you want to wait for other than the DOM node being on the page, wrap a non-async query like getByAltText or queryByAltText in a waitFor function.

Throws if exactly one element is not found within the provided container.

Prefer using ByRole queries for ImageElements and ByLabelText queries for InputElements and AreaElements when possible in order to query for elements in a way that most reflects how the user would interact with them.

Related: findAllByAltText



The example below demonstrates the usage of the getByAltText query. However, the example is also relevant for getAllByAltText, queryByAltText, queryAllByAltText, findByAltText and findAllByAltText.

Read more about the different types of queries to gain more clarity on which one suits your use-cases best.

<img alt="Incredibles 2 Poster" src="/incredibles-2.png" />
import 'package:react/react.dart' as react;
import 'package:react_testing_library/matchers.dart' show isInTheDocument;
import 'package:react_testing_library/react_testing_library.dart' as rtl;
import 'package:test/test.dart';

main() {
  test('', () {
    // Render the DOM shown in the example snippet above
    final view = rtl.render(
      react.img({'alt': 'Incredibles 2 Poster', 'src': '/incredibles-2.png'}),

    expect(view.getByAltText(RegExp(r'incredibles.*? poster')), isInTheDocument);

NOTE: render() supports React vDom elements / custom components created using either the react or over_react packages.

The examples shown here use the react package since the react_testing_library does not have a direct dependency on over_react - but both libraries are fully supported.



This argument can be set to a String, RegExp, or a Function which returns true for a match and false for a mismatch.

See the JS TextMatch docs for more details and examples.


Defaults to true; matches full strings, case-sensitive. When false, matches substrings and is not case-sensitive. It has no effect on regex or function arguments. In most cases using a regex instead of a string gives you more control over fuzzy matching and should be preferred over exact: false.


An optional function which overrides normalization behavior.

Before running any matching logic against text in the DOM, DOM Testing Library automatically normalizes that text. By default, normalization consists of trimming whitespace from the start and end of text, and collapsing multiple adjacent whitespace characters into a single space.

If you want to prevent that normalization, or provide alternative normalization (e.g. to remove Unicode control characters), you can provide a normalizer function. This function will be given a string and is expected to return a normalized version of that string.

NOTE: Specifying a value for normalizer replaces the built-in normalization, but you can call getDefaultNormalizer to obtain a built-in normalizer, either to adjust that normalization or to call it from your own normalizer.

See the JS TextMatch precision and JS TextMatch normalization docs for more details and examples.

Async Options


How long to wait for the node to appear in the DOM before throwing a TestFailure, defaulting to 1000ms.


How often the callback is called, defaulting to 50ms.


Is called if the timeout duration passes before the node is found in the DOM, and can be used to customize a TestFailure message.


The default values are:

{subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true}

which will detect additions and removals of child elements (including text nodes) in the container and any of its descendants. It will also detect attribute changes. When any of those changes occur, it will re-run the callback.


Future<E> findByAltText<E extends Element>(
  Node container,
  /*TextMatch*/ dynamic text, {
  bool exact = true,
  NormalizerFn Function([NormalizerOptions?])? normalizer,
  Duration? timeout,
  Duration interval = defaultAsyncCallbackCheckInterval,
  QueryTimeoutFn? onTimeout,
  MutationObserverOptions mutationObserverOptions = defaultMutationObserverOptions,
}) =>
        exact: exact,
        normalizer: normalizer,
        timeout: timeout,
        interval: interval,
        onTimeout: onTimeout,
        mutationObserverOptions: mutationObserverOptions);